Meet Our Talented Astrologers

Faith McInerney

delineation Uranian Astrologer
Faith’s research articles on aspects and of planets with asteroids, Chiron and the TNP’s have appeared in NCGR and Uranian Society publications. She wrote “Midpoint Corner” for the Uranian Society web site and her blog “Midpoint Observatory” is viewed over 1000 times monthly. She lectures frequently about aspects, with a focus on practical delineation. 2016 marks her 40th year in astrology.

Diane Cramer

Medical Astrologer

Diane Cramer, M.S., is a certified (NCGR Level IV) consulting astrologer, lecturer and teacher in all aspects of astrology in New York City. Her articles on medical astrology are published in both the NCGR Journal and the AFA Bulletin as well as the Uranian Journal of the Uranian SIG. Her articles are regularly featured in Dell Horoscope.

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