The Bob Marks March and World Forecasts 2025

Welcome to my monthly forecasts. These forecasts will help you understand the energies around you. The planets are constantly shifting and the universal energies affect our daily lives

Each month I will guide you through the planetary movements and explain them in detail. Some months will have more astrological events than others but there will always be universal movements that will affect you.


There will be a Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14:This Full Moon lands in the 9th House which rules Legal Matters and Foreign Countries. Court battles will intensify. So will negotiations with foreign countries. Virgo is the sign of work. Look for more lawsuits (9th house rules legal matters) connected with layoffs of government workers (You don’t have to be an Astrologer to figure that one out!).

There will be a Solar Eclipse on March 29: The eclipse chart has Aries Rising. The government battles are intensifying. Uranus (sudden, unexpected events) is on the mid-point of Mars and Saturn. Look for the government to make wild moves.

Saturday March 1: Venus Stations Retrograde: This is a good month to contact old friends that you haven’t seen in a while.

Sunday March 2: Mercury conjunct Neptune AND Sun square Jupiter: Your imagination is stronger today. But don’t make any major commitments right now. You will be too optimistic and take on too much.

Monday March 3: Mercury enters Aries (action): It will stay there until March 29. Now is the time to take care of any important communications.

Wednesday March 5: Mercury sextile Pluto: You are sharper today and people are more likely to listen to you now. Speak up!

Saturday March 8: Sun trine Mars AND Sun semisquare Pluto: A double dose of energy. Don’t waste it.

Tuesday March 11: Venus semisquare Uranus AND Mercury conjunct Venus: This is a good combination for meeting new people and making new friends.

Wednesday March 12: Mercury semisquare Uranus AND Sun conjunct Saturn: Mercury/Uranus can give you new ideas. But be careful It can make you impatient. Think about those ideas before you put them into action. Sun/Saturn combinations are good time to take care of things that you have to do, but you don’t really want to.

Friday March 14: Sun sextile Uranus: This makes it easier to figure things out and to come up with new ideas.

Monday March 17: Mercury Retrograde Begins: Do NOT start important new projects for the rest of this month. Just continue with things that you have already starts. Even better, now you can go back to things that you have put aside and finish them off.

Wednesday March 19: Sun conjunct Neptune: Your imagination and creativity are at a peak today. But ordinary, day-to-day tasks that you do all the time may be confusing right now.

Thursday March 20: Sun enters Aries: Finally, the sign of Action gets a boost! Of course, Mercury is still Retrograde, so use that urge to action to finish off old projects.

Friday March 21: Venus sextile Pluto: This is a good time to spend with close friends. It is also excellent for any sort of beautification project, either on your home or on yourself.

Saturday March 22: Sun conjunct Venus: Oh what the heck! Have a good time today and enjoy yourself!

Sunday March 23: Sun sextile Pluto: This can give you extra strength and awareness. And it can help you to recover if you went too far with that Venus aspect yesterday.

Monday March 24: Sun conjunct Mercury: This is good for face-to-face communication. For those of you too young to remember, that is how people used to talk to each other before the internet.

Tuesday March 25: Mercury sextile Pluto: People are more likely to listen to you today.

Thursday March 27: Venus enters Pisces AND Venus conjunct Neptune: Take a long walk today. Get out and smell the flowers.

Saturday March 29: Mercury enters Pisces AND Mercury conjunct Neptune AND Sun semisquare Uranus: This is NOT a good day to do your Income Tax. Your mind will be on other things.

Sunday March 30: Neptune enters Aries: The Planet of Dreams and Ideals enters the Sign of Action. The last time that happened was April 1861 and the action was the Confederates firing on Fort Sumpter, starting the Civil War. Don’t worry. Back then, there was also a disastrous Uranus Return. We don’t have that this time. The Next Uranus Return is not due until November 2028, right after the next Presidential Election. The timing is totally different. Nevertheless, we are entering a period of massive changes. And it won’t end soon.

And it won’t be dull. That I guarantee. Just remember, as long as your personal horoscope is okay, you will be fine.


"Forewarned is Forearmed"

There is nothing like a major worldwide disaster to ruin your day. What good does it do to read in your horoscope that “Today is a wonderful time to get out and meet new people” if everyone is being forced into quarantine by a pandemic? We must pay close attention to the Astrology of World Events for our own protection.

Do you think this decade, the 2020’s, has been crazy and chaotic so far? Trust me, we haven’t seen anything yet. Not to worry. Forewarned is Forearmed.

First, Pluto, the planet of extremes, entered Aquarius, the Sign of sudden and unexpected changes, on January 20. The last time Pluto was there was during the late 1700’s when we had the American, French, and Industrial Revolutions. The time before that was the early 1500’s. That one gave us the Protestant Reformation as well as 150 years of religious wars.

Right now, there are several potential wars brewing in the Middle East and Taiwan. Artificial Intelligence is poised to totally change the way we work and live. And Pluto is just beginning a 20 year stay in Aquarius.

"The Attack of the Outer Planets "

If you think this decade of the 2020’s has been wild and crazy, brace yourself. We haven’t seen anything yet. During the next few years, the World will be hit by a Cascade of Astrological events any one of which can turn things upside down and inside out. The most powerful effects will be caused by three outer planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Pluto a planet of power (death and rebirth) is already hitting us. It has entered Aquarius, the sign that likes to turn everything upside-down. Demonstrators are already occupying University campuses all over the country. And this is only a small beginning. The last time Pluto entered Aquarius, we had the American and French Revolutions. The time before that in the fifteen hundreds, the Protestant Reformation ushered in a century of religious warfare. Pluto isn’t just “out with the old; in with the new.” It’s “Let’s completely destroy the old until nothing is left.”

Uranus, planet of sudden and unexpected change, is going through Taurus, a rock-solid sign of stability. The last time that happened was 1936 to 1942. No, Uranus going through Taurus didn’t cause World War II all by itself. But it did contribute to the world-wide instability then, just like it is doing now.

What has Uranus done to the United States over the years? Plenty! It takes Uranus about 84 years to circle the Sun. When it does this, it “returns” to where it was in the birth chart. The first time Uranus returned in America’s chart was 1860. Abe Lincoln won the election and the Southern Stated started to leave the Union. The result a few months later was the Civil War.

The next Uranus Return was in 1944. That’s right. World War II. Both times the nation was fighting for its life. The next Uranus Return for the United States will be right after the Presidential Election in 2028, just 4 years from now. Will History repeat itself? The planets certainly do.

How about Neptune, planets of Dreams and Ideals? It’s now going through Pisces, the sign that it rules. The last time it did that was 1848 to 1861. That was the set-up period for the U.S. Civil War. People’s ideas changed. Then Neptune went into Aries, the sign that rules War, and they decided to fight for those beliefs.

Any one of these planetary transits could cause major upheavals in the world. Over the next decade, we are going to get all three.

What can we do to protect ourselves? Keep a close watch on our own personal horoscopes. As long as we can see what’s coming for ourselves, we can maneuver and come out ahead.

I was reading for a client once who told me: “If you see something bad coming, don’t tell me; I don’t want to know.” My answer to him was: “If you’re driving at night, don’t turn on the headlights. You may see something nasty in the road.”

And that’s what Astrology is for. Like headlights on a car, it helps us see what’s ahead so we can drive safely through our life.

The big problem here is that all these things are going on at the same time. There is too much happening to put in one post. That is why I am making World Forecast a regular feature of this website.

Stay tuned.

See you next month for the April 2025 Forecasts.

Bob Marks

"May the stars be with you"

In Tune With The Universe

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