The Bob Marks
Monthly Forecasts
September 2022

Welcome to my monthly forecasts. These forecasts will help you understand the energies around you. The planets are constantly shifting and the universal energies affect our daily lives

Each month I will guide you through the planetary movements and explain them in detail. Some months will have more astrological events than others but there will always be universal movements that will affect you.

That way, you can put it near your calendar and follow it day by day to know the energies around you.

What’s going to happen in September 2022

September 10 : FULL MOON in Pisces – This is a very emotional full moon. It will probably bring back memories from your childhood and other times in your life. Listen to music and nurture yourself for nothing can change the past. The moon is also sextile Uranus – time to start new things. Concentrate on your positive future.

September 25 : NEW MOON in Libra - Well well finally a truly beautiful new moon! Filled with art music and socializing. Liven up! Buy some new fabulous clothing or home décor and sing your heart out. But don’t spend too much because the moon is opposite Jupiter.

September 1 : Mars sextiles Jupiter - Planet of action meets the planet of expansion and good luck. Work out and get out – your energy abounds.

September 2 :  Mercury opposite Jupiter Your communication is intensifying and you could say too much. It’s an over optimistic aspect. Be careful of people promising too much it could be a problem. Larger than life conversation. Talk talk talk.

September 9 : Mercury Retrograde till October 2 - UH OH here comes Mercury Retrograde again!! Don’t sign any contracts and don’t make any major purchases or big decisions. People might show up from the past – decide if you want to go back or not.

September 11 : Sun trines Uranus - Beautiful day! Change is in the air – make the right choices.

September 16 : Venus squares Mars - Oh no I can hear the lovers quarrels already. Love relationships expanding. If you don’t mean it don’t say it.

September 16 : Sun opposite Neptune - A little foggy today. Your mind isn’t clear. Listen to some music or just relax and watch a good movie. Time to escape

September 18 :  Mercury opposite Jupiter - Big mouths will be blabbering today and not in a good way. Silence is now golden.

September 18 : Sun trines Pluto – situations intensifying – you can now make those tough changes.

September 20 :  Venus trines Uranus - excitement in romance – plan a romantic date in an unusual place. Time to break routine.

September 23 : Sun conjuncts Mercury - More talking – but think before you speak because it’s still Mercury Retrograde.

September 24 :  Venus opposite Neptune - quiet times with lovers or just creative thoughtful escape.

September 26 :  Venus trine Pluto - How is your relationship going? Seems more intense today.

September 26 : Mercury conjunct Venus - Great romantic conversations…get it all out.

September 26 : : Sun opposite Jupiter - Do things seem exaggerated now? Be cautious and see it all how it really is.

September 27 :  Mercury trine Pluto - Conversations are powerful – this is a good time to have a heart to heart.

September 28 : Mars trines Saturn – Your energy is focused now – get busy on your important projects.

See you next month for the October 2022 Forecast and may the stars be with you

In Tune With The Universe

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